EVA pharma animal health is the new success story of EVA pharma which is committed to supporting animal health in Egypt, the Middle East, and throughout the world.
Powder for oral solution Ingredients : Each 100 gm contains:Lincomycin HCI 40 g (Eq. to Lincomycin base 35.3 g).
Indication: Treatment of infection caused by mycoplasma and bacteria susceptible to lincomycin for example: Pigs: swine dysentery cased byBrachyspira hyodysente tae and mycoplasma pneumonia associated with Mycoplasma-hyopneumoniae. Broiler Chicken: necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens. is incosamide antibiotic Creptommyces lincolensis.
Dosage: Pigs: 11 mg of the product /kg.B.W/day for 4 days. Pullet: 110 mg of the product /kg.8.W/day, for 4 days. Broiler chickens and turkey: 1100 mg of the product / lter/day, for 4 days.
Water soluble powder Ingredients : Each 1 gm contains: Lincomycin hydrochloride monohydrate 270.84 mg (Eq. to 227.5 mg lincomycin base) Spectinomycin sulphate 4 H2O 701.15 mg (Eq. to 455 mg spectinomycin base). Indications: -For the treatment of enteritis (ileitis) caused by Lawsonia intracellularis. - For the treatment of swine dysentery caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Broiler chickens, pullet and turkey. -For treatment of complicaled chronic respiratory disease (air sac infection) caused by Escherichia Coli and M. gallisepticum susceptible to lincomycin- spectinomycin. -For treatment of airsacculitis caused by either Mycoplasma Synaviae or Mycoplasma galisepticum susceptible to lincomycin -spectinomycin. Dosage :11 mg of the product /kg.B.W/day for 4 days. Pullet: 110 mg of tho product /kg. B.W/day, for 4 days. Broiler chickens and turkey: 1100 mg of the product / liter/day, for 4 days.